The Sex Work French Women Had to Do While Under German Occupation During World War 2
The true story of oversexed Nazi officers
By 1940, France had spent almost $9 billion (in today’s money) building the Maginot Line — a 280-mile-long series of fortifications and tunnels near the border with Germany. They did all that only to have the Germans invade through the Ardennes Mountains — north of the line — after going through Belgium.
The expensive fortifications were attacked from behind and the French army quickly fell into disarray against the better-organized Blitzkrieg offensive. As such, only six weeks after the second world war broke out, France was occupied by Germany and hard years lay ahead of its people.
The Rape of French Women After the Invasion
World War II is not known as the worst war in history only because of its incredibly high death toll, but also because of the sheer number of atrocities that occurred during its course — including the rape of millions of women worldwide. And so, as you can probably guess from this statement, life for women in German-occupied France wasn’t good.
Most rapes of French women by German soldiers during World War II occurred in the summer of 1940, right after the invasion. Here’s one…